Rolwaling Region Trekking
Rolwaling Region Trekking

Everything You Need To Know About Rolwaling Region

Rolwaling Trek which is situated between the Everest and Langtang Himalaya ranges, below Gauri Shankar and south border of Tibet is a rare trek amongst trekkers, considering that it is one of the most challenging treks Nepal has to offer. It is nestled between the Langtang range and Everest range. In Everest Himalaya, Rolwaling valley trekking is considered one of the hard passes. Rolwaling Valley, Khumbu, Tamang Village, Wonderful views are some of the highlights of this trek. The abundance of alpine lakes, hanging glaciers, moraines, high pastures, waterfalls, and imminent view of snowy peaks in the backdrop can be witnessed while trekking through the region. The region is rich in biological diversity, glacial lakes, mountains, and isolated villages.

The area is also a sanctuary to many endangered and globally threatened animals. Due to its isolated location, the northern edge of a wild, beautiful valley has been primarily closed to trekkers. This trail is also an alternative route to Everest base camp trekking located in the west of Khumbu.

What to Expect during the trek?

The starting point for this trek is  from Dolakha, near Charikot, an eight-hour drive from Kathmandu. Rolwaling Trek is one of the stunning/magnificent/exciting treks available in Nepal. The trek then is continued  following the Rolwaling River; the area is rich in flora and fauna aspect because of fewer visits from the people. The dark narrow valley of Rolwaling opens wide near villages of Bedding and Na. Then the climb to the last settlement in the valley: the summer pasture village, Kharka of Na.

From here on,  two days is spent exploring the Yalung La region with its spectacular glacier fields and the Tsho-Rolpa glacier lake. Rolwaling Valley Trek introduces the hidden Himalayas that are not explored by many trekkers’ yet. One can also opt for a beautiful but strenuous camping-style expedition through the Rolwaling Himal to cross the Teshi Lapcha La (5755m) and into the Solukhumbu. Great views of Mt. Melungtse (7181m) Mt. Dorje Lakpa and Mt. Tashi Lapcha are visible. It is an unforgettable experience in the Himalayas.

Minimum and Maximum Time frame of the Trek?

Well this generally depends upon the trekker preference if the trekkers are physically fit and can manage a 7-9 hours trek daily up the mountains then he/she can normally complete the trek in  16 days. But this journey is very strenuous as it takes a 20 days trek(Max) and compacts it for a shorter trek which eventually hikes up the trekking hours per day. So, if you are someone who hasn’t had much experience of trekking and want to trek enjoying each and every moment at the region then a 18 days time frame would be appropriate as it gives you the proper time to acclimatize and enjoy the scenic beauties of the trek.

Budget Required For Rolwaling Trek

Well, the budget estimation depends on what kind of trek one is embarking on and how much of a spender one is. But generally the cost ranges from anywhere around  US $1800 to US $2500. It depends on how much one would like to splurge oneself with various extra luxuries as well.

Necessary Permits Required

Update: Oct 1st 2018 TIMS Card is no longer valid for Everest Base Camp Trek

With decentralization a new permit system has been implemented on Everest Region and other region as well. You will no longer required a Trekker’s Information Management System (TIMS) Card.

The necessary permits required for trekking to Rolwaling Region are :

  1. Gaurishankar Conservation area permit
  2. Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit

Necessary Documents for Permit?

You just need your passport details,Sagarmatha National Park Entrance Permit,  two photos, Gaurishankar Conservation Area Project Entry Permit and you also need to fill up a short form to obtain the permit. All these fees are payable in local currency only.

How is Rolwaling Region on each Season?

Although it is possible to trek on the region throughout the year on any given seasons but the best time to visit the Rolwaling Region is in the Spring and Autumn.As during the autumn season, the weather tends to be relatively stable with mild to warm days and cold nights. And during Spring the weather is quite clear and the peaks are often visible and the temperature is warm and just ideal for a trek.

Spring Season(April-May):

The spring months are probably the most popular in the region as a whole. You might be caught in the occasional snow showers if you catch the end of the winter season, but the weather should be largely stable and dry- perfect for trekking and high altitude climbing.

Autumn Season(September-November):

Clear days are characteristic of this popular trekking period. Although colder days(and colder nights) are to be expected, this is a small price to pay for the wonderful vistas and perfect views of the region peaks. And added bonus of trekking during this time is the option to choose some other, less well-known routes in the area that still offer amazing views but without the hustle and bustle of the more popular routes.

Winter Season(Dec-Feb):

The region during this period can best be described as being very cold but still is trekkable. The days will be shorter and there is a lot more snow, thus routes that involve crossing big passes like the three passes trek are usually closed.The weather will be fairly stable and dry.

Summer Season/Monsoon Season(June-August):

Summer may sound like the prime time to visit this region, but it is also monsoon season during which the mountain can receive large amounts of rainfall. During the monsoon season, the mountain peaks are, more often than not, shrouded in mist. Although a trek is doable during this season, it is quite difficult as the slippery trails, leeches and the lack of mountain views are just about enough reasons in off-putting most trekkers from trekking.

Rolwaling Region Trek Difficulty

 It is considered the most challenging trek that Nepal has to offer as it’s not a plain walking surface and like most typical treks in Nepal there’s a lot of going up and down. The distance you cover does not require super fitness, the altitude does however make it tough. And also having a strong mind set is also very important while trekking in these parts of the mountains. Rolwaling Region Trek is influenced by; your pack weight, a porter can make it much easier and season, if you’re cold and miserable then it is definitely harder.

To sum it up you will be walking 5 to 8 hours a day for 16 days, with a resting day or two for acclimatization. If you are reasonably fit you should be able to do this to carry your own backpack.

Tipping Guide/Porter

In Nepal tipping is not mandatory but it is expected as major earning or saving funds is the tips for the guide/porter. Tipping is based on the experience you had with your trekking team. It totally depends upon how you felt about the services and overall hospitality that was provided to you so if you are satisfied you can tip them accordingly.

Is Internet/Electricity Available in the Rolwaling Region?

As this region is totally isolated and not a lot of trekkers are familiar with the region’s chances of the availability of internet is pretty rare here. Although many development programs have been launched for promoting tourism here as well so the progress is being made but at the moment, not much can be said. There are teahouses and lodges but not as much as in comparison to other regions where trekkers frequently visit so internet and electricity is not available as in other regions.

Necessity of Insurance:

While traveling to Nepal, you are requested to have travel insurance that should cover any comprehensive expenses possible to acquire due to medical issues or accidents. Especially, your travel insurance must protect air ambulance, treatment charges, rescue and evacuation, product cancellation and refundable charges, flight delays, and cancellations.

Insurance Policy:

Traveling in the Himalayas is full of adventurous; hence it is wise to choose a proper insurance policy. While choosing your insurance policy, make sure that it will protect all such unforeseen expenses. You must ensure that the policy you do take provides an adequate level of protection, well familiar with your itinerary and covers you for the activities involved. You must carry proof of insurance (e.g. your insurance certificate) with you on holiday or send us a scanned copy and it must be issued from your homeland.

Preventing Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness is caused by ascending too quickly. It is wise to climb slower to prevent it. As, it is very common on the Rolwaling trek and can happen to anybody, irrespective of how old or fit you are or if you have previous trekking experience. So, here are some ways to prevent Altitude Sickness:

  1. Hydration– Drink plenty of water, its very important to stay hydrated.
  2. Trekking Pace– Walk at your own pace, take your time, don’t go too fast.
  3. Eat carbs– It’s not often we’re told to eat extra carbohydrates but when you’re at higher altitudes, you need more calories.
  4. Avoid Alcohol– Alcohol,cigarettes and medications like sleeping pills can make altitude sickness symptoms worse. So, avoid it.
  5. Medication– Taking acetazolamide(Diamox)two days before the trip and during your trip can help prevent altitude sickness. Acetazolamide is a medication typically used to treat glaucoma. But is also used to prevent altitude sickness.

Rolwaling Region Treks

There are  plenty of  trekking options that one might like to consider as the Rolwaling Region is itself is a very beautiful and adventurous place. Here are some few of the best trekking choices in the Rolwaling Region.

  • Tsho Rolpa Lake Trek
    • Exploring the Tsho Rolpa Ice Lake
    • Magnificent scenery of terrace farmlands
    • Panoramic snow covered soaring high Himalayan Peaks
    • Uncovering the traditional culture of the Sherpa people
    • A historical place in Dolakha Bazaar
    • Scenic Beding Village
  • Tashi Lapcha Pass Trek
    • Majestic Mountain scenery including Gaurishankhar and Everest Range
    • Truly beautiful Tsho Rolpa Lake
    • Nunnery Gompa and various other monasteries
    • Breathtaking landscapes
    • Pristine Glaciers
    • High and Challenging Pass

So, if the above mentioned things are taken into proper consideration than you will have a wonderful time trekking in the most spectacular region. Carry all the necessary permits as mentioned above take all the precautions and there’s no way you are not going to have a wonderful time.

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