Family Trek In Nepal
Family Tour in Nepal

Family Trek/Tour In Nepal

Trekking in general means going out to the beautiful mountain tops, hillsides of various places to witness the magnificent beauty that nature has to provide for us. The sheer moment of joy one gets from witnessing the beautiful sceneries and views can not be explained. It can only be experienced by being there at the moment and what better way than sharing that moment with closed ones. For this particular reason, Family Trek has become quite popular in all parts of the world not just here. There is no other joy than experiencing new cultures, traditions and witnessing new places with closed ones.

Highlights of the Family Trek/Tour in Nepal

  • Views of marvelous mountain peaks
  • Explore the various culture, language, tradition, and ethnicity
  • One can hire porters to carry small children
  • As Nepa is diversely flooded with animals and kids of various age love animals its a perfect combination
  • People here in Nepal are very kind and compassionate and even more towards children
  • Most part of the region horse trek can be done which lighten the burden to the legs, and provide an extra dimension of fun

Why Family Trek/Tour in Nepal?

Trekking or hiking with family outdoors has become quite popular in Nepal as well as internationally. There is no joy like traveling to new and extraordinary places like with the whole family. The sheer amount of excitement and joy one gets from just being with one’s close ones in unexplainable. With family trek, the bonding between the family members also gets refreshed as the whole family together experiences the journey and the memorable moments are created. And for that particular region, Nepal can be the perfect destination for one’s family vacation. Nepal offers various holiday options for you to spend some quality time with your family. Among the magnificent mountains and luscious valley and beautiful rivers.

One gets an opportunity to discover and unveil the diverse Nepali culture, rich heritage, and remote villages along with the spontaneous and thrilling activities such as cultural tours, religious tours, Jungle Safari, Royal Trek, and day tours.

How to plan for a Family Trek/Tour?

Planning is very important to start off on an adventurous trek or hike. Proper planning leads to a great trek and lots of fun during the trek and here are some important tips to be followed:

  1. One needs to select the trek routes very carefully. It is because there is a high risk of altitude sickness while traveling with small ones.
  2. Also, medical attention as compared to well-settled parts of the regions one is visiting is not available easily at higher elevations so first aid kits and other various important medicines need to be carried along just to be safe.
  3.  Opting for a day tours can be the best option when traveling with family. If one has young children, one can go for a day tour to explore the local places and traditional temples. In day tours, one can easily explore UNESCO listed world heritage sites in Kathmandu, Pokhara, and Chitwan.
  4. It is crucial that one does not take young children above 4000m due to the high risk of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS).  Acclimatization can be difficult for children in a short period of time compared to adults. So while trekking with children it’s wise to trek in a lower altitude.
  5. One should only trek in favorable weather.
  6. For family trekking, the best thing to do is to hire guides or porters. A Guide or porter will help you to take care of your child/ children.
  7. Royal trekking is also considered to be another good option for family trekking as it is a short trek. It allows one to capture the views of scenic mountains, blend in with the locals and their culture. This trek takes place at a low altitude. It is easy to access and offers local services. This trek is suitable for all age groups from elders to kids.

Budget Required For Family Trek/Tour

Well, the budget estimation depends on what kind of trek one is embarking on and how much of a spender one is. But generally, the cost ranges from anywhere around  US $455 to US $2500. It depends on how much one would like to splurge oneself with various extra luxuries as well.

Best Time For Family Trek/Tour In Nepal?

Although it is possible to trek in Nepal throughout the year on any given seasons the best time to visit Nepal, in general, is in the Spring and Autumn. As during the autumn season, the weather tends to be relatively stable with mild to warm days and cold nights. And during Spring the weather is quite clear and the peaks are often visible and the temperature is warm and just ideal for a trek.

Spring Season(April-May):

The spring months are probably the most popular in the region as a whole. You might be caught in the occasional snow showers if you catch the end of the winter season, but the weather should be largely stable and dry- perfect for trekking and high altitude climbing.

Autumn Season(September-November):

Clear days are characteristic of this popular trekking period. Although colder days(and colder nights) are to be expected, this is a small price to pay for the wonderful vistas and perfect views of the region peaks. And added bonus of trekking during this time is the option to choose some other, less well-known routes in the area that still offer amazing views but without the hustle and bustle of the more popular routes.

Winter Season(Dec-Feb):

The region during this period can best be described as being very cold but still is trekkable. The days will be shorter and there is a lot more snow, thus routes that involve crossing big passes like the three passes trek are usually closed. The weather will be fairly stable and dry, meaning it is entirely possible to trek the classic route to any region.

Summer Season/Monsoon Season(June-August):

Summer may sound like the prime time to visit any region of Nepal for the trek, but it is also monsoon season during which the mountain can receive large amounts of rainfall. During the monsoon season, the mountain peak is, more often than not, shrouded in mist. Although a trek is doable during this season, it is quite difficult as the slippery trails, leeches and the lack of mountain views are just about enough reasons in off-putting most trekkers from trekking.

Preventing Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness is caused by ascending too quickly. It is very wise to climb slower to prevent it as your also be having children with you. As, it is very common on the trek and can happen to anybody, irrespective of how old or fit you are or if you have previous trekking experience. So, here are some ways to prevent Altitude Sickness:

  1. Hydration- Drink plenty of water, it is very important to stay hydrated.
  2. Trekking Pace– Walk at your own pace, take your time, don’t go too fast.
  3. Eat carbs– It’s not often we’re told to eat extra carbohydrates but when you’re at higher altitudes, you need more calories.
  4. Avoid Alcohol– Alcohol, cigarettes, and medications like sleeping pills can make altitude sickness symptoms worse. So, avoid it.
  5. Medication– Taking acetazolamide(Diamox)two days before the trip and during your trip can help prevent altitude sickness. Acetazolamide is a medication typically used to treat glaucoma. But is also used to prevent altitude sickness.

Necessity of Insurance:

While traveling to Nepal, you are requested to have travel insurance that should cover any comprehensive expenses possible to acquire due to medical issues or accidents. Especially, your travel insurance must protect air ambulance, treatment charges, rescue and evacuation, product cancellation and refundable charges, flight delays, and cancellations.

Insurance Policy:

Traveling in the Himalayas is full of adventurous; hence it is wise to choose a proper insurance policy. While choosing your insurance policy, make sure that it will protect all such unforeseen expenses. You must ensure that the policy you do take provides an adequate level of protection, well familiar with your itinerary and covers you for the activities involved. You must carry proof of insurance (e.g. your insurance certificate) with you on holiday or send us a scanned copy and it must be issued from your homeland.

Best Places for Family Trek in Nepal?

  1. Everest Panorama Family Trekking

It is one of the most popular family trekking destinations in the Everest Region here in Nepal. The main highlights of the trek are:

  • Mt. Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, Amadablam, Khongde Himal, Thamserku, and Khumbila can be viewed during this short trek
  • Visit the beautiful Sherpa Village in Namche Bazaar
  • Explore the oldest village in the Khumbu Region i.e Khumjung Village
  • The accommodation is a tad bit better in the Everest Region than other regions so wider options for better comfort for the family
  1. Family Trek to Jomsom Muktinath

This trek is considered quite an interesting trek for a family trek. The main highlights of the trek are:

  • One gets the chance to go through various beautiful destinations  such as Kagbeni, Marpha, Jomsom, and Muktinath
  • One can experience the rich culture of Thakali tradition first hand
  • Amazing views of Mt. Nilgiri and Mt. Dhaulagiri
  • A visit to the sacred temple of Muktinath
  • Experience the windy weather of Jomsom as it is quite famous for its Windy weather
  1. Family Trek to Ghorepani Poon Hill

Ghorepani Poonhill Family Trekking is another best trekking destinations while traveling with family. The main highlights of the trek are:

  • Magnificient views of Mountains, icy waterfalls, and sub-tropical valleys
  • A walk through the dense forest of orchids, rhododendron, and magnolia
  • Different species of birds and animals can be viewed during the trek which the kids will adore
  • A visit to Ghandruk village which is famous for its Gurung Culture and Tradition which will give the kids a chance to experience culture from another ethnicity
  1. Family Trek to Mardi Himal

Mardi Himal Family Trekking is among the perfect holiday destinations for family trekking. The main highlights of the trek are:

  • This trek is newly opened trek route and is less crowded than other routes which give plenty of opportunities to enjoy and soak in the views of the mountains undisturbed with the kids
  • It is one of the shortest trekking routes in Nepal as it lies in the Annapurna Region so it is nowhere near strenuous  for the kids
  • One can enjoy the breathtaking views of different snowcapped mountains
  • One can explore Mt. Machhapuchre, Rhododendron forest, local villages, and farms
  •  The kids will enjoy watching the yaks and sheep as well in the reason as it is quite famous for it

All and all traveling with the family is a unique experience in itself. Family Trekking in Nepal is one of the best ways to introduce your family, including children to a completely new cross-cultural exchange. Thus, it can give you a wonderful opportunity to explore different cultures, languages, and lifestyles.

Nepal is emerging as a family trekking destination in Asia. It is due to our wide scope and variability in trekking trails. It is also the most suitable location for beginners and travelers with children.

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