Ganesh Himal Trek
Ganesh Himal(Ruby Valley Trek)

Although near to both Kathmandu and Pokhara, the Ganesh Himal Region has remained a well-kept secret to all but Nepal’s most avid trekkers. The unexplored area is concealed between the popular destinations of Langtang National Park and the Manaslu Conservation Area Project.

Wildflowers flourish, and waterfalls embellish the lush hill scenery in a land blessed with wide ranging geographical, cultural and biological diversity. Sensational viewpoints feature the sublime Himalaya to the north. Most prominent is the Ganesh Himal Range — a family of peaks among the most attractive of the entire Himalaya. The Ganesh massif is named in honor of Hindu deity Ganesh, son of Shiva and Parvati. The Ganesh Himal area has some excellent viewpoints that offer magnificent views of peaks and valleys. Most rewarding are the magnificent Ganga Jamuna — twin waterfalls — Kalo, Seto and Ganesh kunda, hot spring and Tripurasundari temple and especially the hospitable people that inhabit the region.

The Ganesh Himal Region lies in Dhading, Gorkha, Rasuwa and Nuwakot districts. The area is populated mainly by Tamang Gurung and Ghale to the north, and Bramhin, Chhetri, Dalit, Newar and Chepang at the lower elevations in the south. Visitors are warmly welcomed by all with a friendliness that makes Nepal legendary. At least 10 separate trekking itineraries are recommended and await travelers promising unforgettable adventures.

Government registered trekking agencies will be happy to set up visitors with a guide and all necessities for exploring this captivating, undiscovered region. The area is easily accessed by the Prithvi Highway and Pasang Lhamu Highway along the southern fringes, connecting Kathmandu and Pokhara. Another adventurous option is to hike in from the Tamang Heritage Trail of Rasuwa and follow the Ruby Trek, so named for the precious stones found in the Area, as well as Bhalche in Nuwakot, Gorkha and Dhading Besi.

Highlights of The Ganesh Himal(Ruby Valley Trek)

  • Newly explored trekking trails
  • Amazing views of the central Himalayas of Nepal
  • Ruby mines in the mountains
  • Unique and rich cultures of Tamang and Gurung people
  • Natural hot spring
  • Beautiful waterfalls, gorges, stone mills, and suspension bridges

How to get to base camp?

The trek starts with a long seven to nine hours’ drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi following the Trishuli River. Syabrubesi is also known as the gateway to Langtang valley, where one head towards Gatlang. From here, the start of the Buddhist influence becomes more prominent from the Tamang and Gurung locals. As one head to Somdang, beautiful scenery of terrain, green meadow and landscapes are seen. Trekking through dense forests of rhododendron flowers takes one to the Tamang settlement of Tipling village. Buddhist monasteries and prayer flags surround the village. The following day, one head towards Chalish Gaon where one will be spending a day extra to acclimatize and to explore around. The Chalish village is said to have a sacred natural hot spring. And trek to Jharlang crossing many suspension bridges, waterfalls, gorges to finally reaching Dharkha Village. The next day we will take the transport back to Kathmandu.

Minimum and Maximum Time frame of the Trek?

Well, this generally depends upon the trekker preference if the trekkers are physically fit and can manage a 7-9 hours trek daily up the mountains then he/she can normally complete the trek in  10 days. But this journey is very strenuous as it takes a 20-day trek(Max) and compacts it for a shorter trek which eventually hikes up the trekking hours per day. So, if you are someone who hasn’t had much experience of trekking and wants to trek enjoying each and every moment in the region then a 15 days time frame would be appropriate as it gives you the proper time to acclimatize and enjoy the scenic beauties of the trek.

Budget Required For Ganesh Himal Trek

Well, the budget estimation depends on what kind of trek one is embarking on and how much of a spender one is. But generally, the cost ranges from anywhere around  US $900 to US $1800. It depends on how much one would like to splurge oneself with various extra luxuries as well.

Necessary Permits Required

With decentralization, a new permit system has been implemented in Langtang Region. You will no longer require a Trekker’s Information Management System (TIMS) Card.

The necessary permits required for trekking in Ganesh Himal are :

  1. Langtang Regional Area Permit
  2. Langtang National Park Entry Permit

Necessary Documents for Permit?

You just need your passport details, two photos and you also need to fill up a short form to obtain the permit. All these fees are payable in local currency only.

How is  Ganesh Himal on each Season?

Although it is possible to trek in Langtang throughout the year on any given seasons the best time to visit Ganesh Himal is in the Spring and Autumn. As during the autumn season, the weather tends to be relatively stable with mild to warm days and cold nights. And during Spring the weather is quite clear and the peaks are often visible and the temperature is warm and just ideal for a trek.

Spring Season(April-May):

The spring months are probably the most popular in the region as a whole. You might be caught in the occasional snow showers if you catch the end of the winter season, but the weather should be largely stable and dry- perfect for trekking and high altitude climbing.

Autumn Season(September-November):

Clear days are characteristic of this popular trekking period. Although colder days(and colder nights) are to be expected, this is a small price to pay for the wonderful vistas and perfect views of the region peaks. And added bonus of trekking during this time is the option to choose some other, less well-known routes in the area that still offer amazing views but without the hustle and bustle of the more popular routes.

Winter Season(Dec-Feb):

The region during this period can best be described as being very cold but still is trekkable. The days will be shorter and there is a lot more snow, thus routes that involve crossing big passes like the three passes trek are usually closed. The weather will be fairly stable and dry.

Summer Season/Monsoon Season(June-August):

Summer may sound like the prime time to visit Ganesh Himal, but it is also monsoon season during which the mountain can receive large amounts of rainfall. During the monsoon season, the peak is, more often than not, shrouded in mist. Although a trek is doable during this season, it is quite difficult as the slippery trails, leeches and the lack of mountain views are just about enough reasons in off-putting most trekkers from trekking.

Ganesh Himal Trek Difficulty

The trek to Ganesh Himal is approximately 70km, so you need to walk 15km per day for about two weeks. It’s not a plain walking surface and like most typical treks in Nepal, there’s a lot of going up and down. The distance you cover does not require super fitness, the altitude does, however, make it tough. And also having a strong mindset is also very important while trekking in these parts of the mountains. Ganesh Himal Trek is influenced by; your pack weight, a porter can make it much easier and season, if you’re cold and miserable then it is definitely harder.

To sum it up you will be walking 5 to 8 hours a day for 15 days, with a resting day or two for acclimatization. If you are reasonably fit you should be able to do this to carry your own backpack.

Tipping Guide/Porter

In Nepal tipping is not mandatory but it is expected as major earning or saving funds are the tips for the guide/porter. Tipping is based on the experience you had with your trekking team. It totally depends upon how you felt about the services and overall hospitality that was provided to you so if you are satisfied you can tip them accordingly.

Necessity of Insurance:

While traveling to Nepal, you are requested to have travel insurance that should cover any comprehensive expenses possible to acquire due to medical issues or accidents. Especially, your travel insurance must protect air ambulance, treatment charges, rescue and evacuation, product cancellation and refundable charges, flight delays, and cancellations.

Insurance Policy:

Traveling in the Himalayas is full of adventurous; hence it is wise to choose a proper insurance policy. While choosing your insurance policy, make sure that it will protect all such unforeseen expenses. You must ensure that the policy you do take provides an adequate level of protection, well familiar with your itinerary and covers you for the activities involved. You must carry proof of insurance (e.g. your insurance certificate) with you on holiday or send us a scanned copy and it must be issued from your homeland.

Preventing Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness is caused by ascending too quickly. It is wise to climb slower to prevent it. As, it is very common on the Ganesh Himal trek and can happen to anybody, irrespective of how old or fit you are or if you have previous trekking experience. So, here are some ways to prevent Altitude Sickness:

  1. Hydration- Drink plenty of water, it’s very important to stay hydrated.
  2. Trekking Pace– Walk at your own pace, take your time, don’t go too fast.
  3. Eat carbs– It’s not often we’re told to eat extra carbohydrates but when you’re at higher altitudes, you need more calories.
  4. Avoid Alcohol– Alcohol, cigarettes, and medications like sleeping pills can make altitude sickness symptoms worse. So, avoid it.
  5. Medication– Taking acetazolamide(Diamox)two days before the trip and during your trip can help prevent altitude sickness. Acetazolamide is a medication typically used to treat glaucoma. But is also used to prevent altitude sickness.

Alternatives to Ganesh Himal Treks?

Apart from EBC trek, there are plenty of trekking options that one might like to consider as the Everest region is itself is a very beautiful and adventurous place. Here are some of the best trekking alternatives apart from EBC.

  • Ghorepani Poonhil Trek
    • Moderate and the most popular short trek of Nepal
    • Ghandruk village and the stunning views of Annapurna and Machapuchre
    • Ghandruk museum which showcases traditional Gurung equipment, tools, and weapons
  • Langtang Valley Trek
    • Chance to delve into Tibetan-influenced culture
    • View of Mt. Langtang Lirung, Langshisha, Ganja La Pass
    • Diverse flora and fauna
    • Friendly and amazing people
    • Langtang Village, Kyanjin Gompa, and Buddhist temples
  • Annapurna Base camp
    • Visit Annapurna and Machhapuchhere base camp
    • Scenic hike across typical Gurung villages
    • A hot bath in natural hot springs in Jhinu Danda
    • Adventure lodge to lodge trek to the Annapurna region.
    • Splendid views of Dhaulagiri, Himchuli, Mt Fishtail and Annapurna I
    • Spectacular glacier and mountain views from Annapurna Base Camp
  • High Passes Trek
    • Crossing Three High Himalayan Passes
    • Incredible Exploration of Gokyo Region
    • Breathtaking Himalayan View
    • Everest Base Camp and Kala Patthar Trekking
  • Island Peak
    • Wonderful View of The Mt. Everest
    • Cultural Wonders of Everest Region
    • Tengboche and Pangboche Monasteries Exploration
    • Peaceful yet adventurous walk all throughout the trip
  • Everest Base Camp
    • Trek to the foot of breathtaking Everest, the world’s highest mountain.
    • Set out on challenging hikes to Kala Pattar (18,192′), Nangkartshang Peak (16,672′). and Everest Base Camp (17,590′).
    • Explore Sherpa villages and the ancient Thami and Tengboche monasteries.
    • Visit a school established by Sir Edmund Hillary in the mountain village of Khumjung.
  • Gokyo Valley
    • Trek to Gokyo Lakes and Gokyo RI
    • Visiting All of the high valleys of the Khumbu with extra time
    • Soaring views of the most popular mountains in Nepal
    • Cultural Wonders of Everest Region

So, if the above-mentioned things are taken into proper consideration than you will have a wonderful time trekking in the most spectacular region. Carry all the necessary permits as mentioned above take all the precautions and there’s no way you are not going to have a wonderful time.

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