yoga trek in Nepal
Yoga Trek in Nepal

Reasons To do Yoga Trek In Nepal

The moment you arrive in Nepal, one can automatically feel the distinct air of spirituality that seems to linger. As it is after all the holy land with many gods and goddesses. Due to this reason the three major cities here in Kathmandu i.e Kathmandu itself being the one and Patan and Bhaktapur are also referred to as the town or city of temples and goddesses. Despite the fast-growing modernization and urbanization creeping into these places and the sprouts of the concrete jungle popping up all over these cities the religious values of the ancient temples and monuments are still intact. Even walking through the streets filled with ancient structures inspires faith in anyone.

Nepal is mostly renowned for being a Hindu country but is also the birthplace of Lord Siddartha Gautam Buddha and is also a major Buddhist destination for its followers.

Yoga is well related to the meditation and Himalayan part and where better to yoga trek other than the land of Himalayas. It’s quite popular and known that yogis have practiced all sutras and meditation in the Himalayas. As it is believed that God lives in the Himalayas. And also Yoga is directly related to the Hindu deity Shiva who is revered as the first guru or the Adi Guru and also First Yogi. It is said that he would ecstatically dance all over the mountain or just simply sit still in a state of enlightenment. The other gods used to be very envious as he would be having such an amazing time on earthly plane performing his mad bouts. They became so envious that they wanted to learn various yogas movement from Shiva.

As we come to know that the Yoga we perform today was historically linked with the mesmerizing Himalayas makes it even more compelling to yoga trek here in the land of Himalayas. Today yoga is believed to be the world’s fastest-growing wellness regimen. In today’s fast driven world it is necessary to be incorporated with one’s sense of spirituality. One cannot simply just categorize yoga as only as an elaborate system of physical exercise; it is also the total union of oneself with the divine being through spiritual discipline.

So, the relation of Yoga with Nepal is ancient and historical which even more strengthens the reason for Yoga trek here for as the experience of trekking where it all started is unique and exhilarating.

Yoga And AMS(Acute Mountain Sickness)

Yoga is an invitation to reconnect to our body, mind, and spirit. As we move through life we become burdened, stuck, in our physical, mental, and emotional experiences. The art of respiring grounds us into the present. Moving into postures releases tension, builds strength, and flexibility, and cultivates body awareness. Sitting in meditation and resting in Savasana reminds us of our true nature, a state of effortless being. These tools carve a better path for us every day, one that is more flexible, loving, and compassionate towards others and ourselves.
So as we know that AMS is caused by less oxygen in the air and also the body not being able to cope with the higher altitudes of the mountain. So, this is where yoga trek comes in as yoga helps to make one’s body more flexible and endure the harsh conditions of the surroundings. It strengthens the mental, physical and emotional durability which in turn helps to minimize the chances of AMS.

Best Time Of The Year To Yoga Trek In Any Region

Although it is possible to trek on any region throughout the year on any given seasons the best time to trek is in the Spring and Autumn. As during the autumn season, the weather tends to be relatively stable with mild to warm days and cold nights. And during Spring the weather is quite clear and the peaks are often visible and the temperature is warm and just ideal for a trek.

Spring Season(April-May):
The spring months are probably the most popular in the region as a whole. You might be caught in the occasional snow showers if you catch the end of the winter season, but the weather should be largely stable and dry- perfect for trekking and high altitude climbing.

Autumn Season(September-November):
Clear days are characteristic of this popular trekking period. Although colder days(and colder nights) are to be expected, this is a small price to pay for the wonderful vistas and perfect views of the region peaks. And added bonus of trekking during this time is the option to choose some other, less well-known routes in the area that still offer amazing views but without the hustle and bustle of the more popular routes.

Winter Season(Dec-Feb):
The region during this period can best be described as being very cold but still is trekkable. The days will be shorter and there is a lot more snow, thus routes that involve crossing big passes like the three passes trek are usually closed. The weather will be fairly stable and dry, meaning it is entirely possible to trek the classic route to Everest Base Camp in these months. One can expect the temperature to be as cold as -30degree Celsius at night higher up the route.

Summer Season/Monsoon Season(June-August):
Summer may sound like the prime time to trek on any region, but it is also monsoon season during which the mountain can receive large amounts of rainfall. During the monsoon season, the mountain peaks are, more often than not, shrouded in mist. Although a trek is doable during this season, it is quite difficult as the slippery trails, leeches and the lack of mountain views are just about enough reasons in off-putting most trekkers from trekking.

Does one need previous Yoga experience for the trek?

Well its a plus point if one practices yoga frequently and has experience of practicing yoga. But it is not compulsory to have had the experience as one is going to create a brand new experience of practicing yoga up in the mountains. It’s never too late to start on something new and exciting and this is one of those things that you can undertake without having to worry too much.

Most Important Yoga Poses for Beginners

If you are new to yoga, there are certain postures that are essential for you to learn so you can feel comfortable in a class or practicing on your own at home. Some of the important ones are:

  1. Child’s Pose:
    Everyone needs a good resting pose and Child’s pose is an awesome one not just for beginners but for yoga practitioners of all levels.
  2. Bridge Pose:
    A counter pose to a forward bend is a backbend. The bridge is a good beginner’s backbend that stretches the front body and strengthens the back body.
  3. Tree:
    The tree is an awesome standing balance for beginners to work on to gain focus and clarity and learn to breathe while standing and keeping the body balanced on one foot.
  4. Plank:
    Plank teaches us how to balance on our hands while using the entire body to support us. It is a great way to strengthen the abdominals and learn to use the breath to help us stay in a challenging pose.
  5. Mountain Pose:
    Mountain Pose is the base for all standing poses; it gives you a sense of how to ground into your feet and feel the earth below you. Mountain pose may seem like “simply standing,” but there is a ton going on.

Best Places For Yoga Trek In Nepal

Here are the best places in Nepal to begin one’s Yoga Trek adventure with the outline itinerary.

Annapurna Region:
Yoga trek in Annapurna Region is one of the unique and exciting ways of doing trekking with Yoga and Meditation enjoying the showcase of cultural and picturesque scenic beauty. This trek provides you with the various advantage of adventure trekking, hiking, and expedition with full relaxing and refreshing yoga and meditation classes by our local and professionally trained guides. Practicing yoga asana in the morning and Meditation in the evening inhaling the fresh mountain air from the Himalaya brings such serenity and joy to you that creates incredibly unbelievable satisfaction and happiness.
Outline Itinerary:
Day 1: Arrival Day Kathmandu
Day 2: Yoga Class
Day 3: Drive to Pokhara|Drive: 6/7hrs|Meal: BLD
Day 4: Drive to Nayapul & Trek to Ulleri|Drive:2-3hrs|Trek: 5-6hrs|Meal: BLD
Day 5: Morning Yoga and Trek to Ghorepani|Trek: 5-6hrs|Meal: BLD
Day 6: Poon Hill Yoga
Day 7: Yoga and Trek to Ghandruk|Trek: 4-5hrs|Meal: BLD
Day 8: Yoga class in Ghandruk
Day 9: Explore Pokhara, Hike to white Peace stupa
Day 10: Drive Back to Kathmandu
Day 11: Departure Day

Mardi Himal:
Mardi Himal is one of the best trekking destinations in the Annapurna Region. The trek is short but features the most amazing view and adrenaline experiences. You will be exploring the beautiful sceneries, vast landscape, and amazing glacial valleys.
Yoga simply means activities done for your spiritual and physical relief. Doing yoga within the Himalayas makes it more refreshing and spiritual. Nowadays, many of us living in a stressful life because of our busy routine of daily life. Therefore, trekking with a Yoga retreat in the Himalayas comes to rescue this situation and provides you with an unbelievable relief.
Outline Itinerary
Day 1: Welcome to Kathmandu:
Day 2: Preparation and Sightseeing Tour of Kathmandu:
Day 3: Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara:
Day 4: Drive from Pokhara to Phedi and trek to Pothana:
Day 5: Trek to Forest Camp at Kokar:(Yoga Class)
Day 6: Trek to Low Camp:(Yoga Class)
Day 7: Trek to High Camp:(Yoga Class)
Day 8: Trek from High Camp to Mardi Himal Base Camp:
Day 9: Trek from Mardi Himal Base Camp to Siding village:
Day 10: Trek to Lumre and drive to Pokhara:
Day 11: Drive back to Kathmandu from Pokhara:
Day 12: Departure

Everest Region:
Everest Base Camp Yoga Trek is an excellent opportunity to get an exciting lifetime experience with Yoga in Everest. The fruitful yoga practices every day before beginning the journey to Everest base camp energizes you for the tiresome foothill excursion. It begins from Lukla and passing the Sherpa valleys, you make your yoga trek to Everest base camp outstanding. The Everest Himalayan scenery and the Tibetan Buddhist Heritages as monasteries, chhortens and mani walls offer the spiritual splendid on your tranquil trip. Yoga in the heart of the Everest Himalayan range and at the base of the earth’s tallest peak will heal you, which will be further awe-inspiring by meditation. Yoga is an art and science of living. It comes along with a yoga session. Cleanse your soul by the yoga and meditation at the Everest base camp.

Outline Itinerary
Day 01: Arrival at Kathmandu (1350 meters) and transfer to the hotel.
Day 02: Yoga and meditation session in Kathmandu (outskirt of ktm)
Day 03: Yoga and meditation session in Kathmandu (outskirt of ktm)
Day 04: Fly from Kathmandu to Lukla (2800 meters), trek to Phakding (2640 meters). 35 min fly/ 3 hrs trek
Day 05: Trek from Phakding to Namche Bazaar (3438m) 5 – 6 hrs 5-6 hrs
Day 06: Acclimatization Day – Namche Bazaar: (3440m).
Day 07: Trek from Namche Bazaar to Tengboche (3870 meters). 5-6 hrs
Day 08: Trek from Tengboche to Dingboche (4360 meters). 5-6 hrs
Day 09: Day for exploring and acclimatization.
Day 10: Trek from Dingboche to Lobuche (4940 meters). 5-6 hrs
Day 11: Trek from Lobuche to Gorak Shep (5,170m) visit Everest Base Camp (5364m) 6-7 hrs
Day 12: Trek from Gorak Shep to Kala Patthar (5545m) to Pheriche (4288m) 7-8 hrs
Day 13: Trek from Pheriche to Kyangjuma (3550 meters). 6-7 hrs
Day 14: Trek from Kyanjuma to Lukla (2,800m) 6 – 7 hours
Day 15: Fly back to Kathmandu.
Day 16: Departure.

So, to summarize it it’s a one and a lifetime experience to be able to practise yoga as well as trek in the beautiful himalayan range of Nepal. One can not miss the chance to be among the beautiful himalayan ranges and practices the spiritual,mental and emotional art that is yoga. With its benefits in tact there’s no time to waste. If one agrees upon toi take this adventurous journey to the mountains than one shall not be disappointed.

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